SFM with BAL Files

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5.2. SFM with BAL FilesΒΆ

This is an SFM Example that reads from a BAL (Bundle Adjustment in the Large) file.

%pip -q install gtbook # also installs latest gtsam pre-release
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import argparse
import logging
import sys

import gtsam
from gtsam import (GeneralSFMFactorCal3Bundler,
                   PriorFactorPinholeCameraCal3Bundler, PriorFactorPoint3)
from gtsam.symbol_shorthand import C, P  # type: ignore
from gtsam.utils import plot  # type: ignore
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)

Run LM optimization with BAL input data and report resulting error:

# Load the SfM data from file
input_file = gtsam.findExampleDataFile("dubrovnik-3-7-pre")
scene_data = gtsam.readBal(input_file)
logging.info("read %d tracks on %d cameras\n", scene_data.numberTracks(),
INFO:root:read 7 tracks on 3 cameras
# Create a factor graph
graph = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()

# We share *one* noiseModel between all projection factors
noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(2, 1.0)  # one pixel in u and v

# Add measurements to the factor graph
for j in range(scene_data.numberTracks()):
    track = scene_data.track(j)  # SfmTrack
    # retrieve the SfmMeasurement objects
    for m_idx in range(track.numberMeasurements()):
        # i represents the camera index, and uv is the 2d measurement
        i, uv = track.measurement(m_idx)
        # note use of shorthand symbols C and P
        graph.add(GeneralSFMFactorCal3Bundler(uv, noise, C(i), P(j)))

# Add a prior on pose x1. This indirectly specifies where the origin is.
        C(0), scene_data.camera(0),
        gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(9, 0.1)))
# Also add a prior on the position of the first landmark to fix the scale
                      gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)))
# Create initial estimate
initial = gtsam.Values()

i = 0
# add each PinholeCameraCal3Bundler
for cam_idx in range(scene_data.numberCameras()):
    camera = scene_data.camera(cam_idx)
    initial.insert(C(i), camera)
    i += 1

# add each SfmTrack
for j in range(scene_data.numberTracks()):
    track = scene_data.track(j)
    initial.insert(P(j), track.point3())
# Optimize the graph and print results
    params = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtParams()
    lm = gtsam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(graph, initial, params)
    result = lm.optimize()
    # Error drops from ~2764.22 to ~0.046
    logging.info("initial error: %f", graph.error(initial))
    logging.info("final error: %f", graph.error(result))

except RuntimeError:
    logging.exception("LM Optimization failed")
INFO:root:initial error: 2764.219293
INFO:root:final error: 0.046138

Plot the SFM results.

plot_vals = gtsam.Values()
for cam_idx in range(scene_data.numberCameras()):
for j in range(scene_data.numberTracks()):
    plot_vals.insert(P(j), result.atPoint3(P(j)))

plot.plot_3d_points(0, plot_vals, linespec="g.")
plot.plot_trajectory(0, plot_vals, title="SFM results")
