
Support Code for the Autonomous Driving Chapter

Reading LIDAR scan from ply file



 read_ply (filename:str)

*Read a binary_little_endian .ply file and return data as a dict. Note: Adapted from pyntcloud under MIT license

Parameters: filename: of ply file

Returns: A dictionary with points, mesh, and/or comments keys.*

filename = 'test/PC_315967795019746000.ply'
data = read_ply(filename)
points = data['points'] # a dataframe
test_eq(isinstance(points, pd.DataFrame), True)
test_eq(len(points), 86651)
test_eq(list(points.keys()), ['x', 'y', 'z', 'intensity', 'laser_number'])

The points and mesh (if available) are stores as Pandas data frames:

x y z intensity laser_number
0 0.840252 -4.179139 -0.372995 7 31
1 0.841528 -19.292950 1.258417 3 14
2 -0.977540 -18.640507 1.048261 10 16
3 0.850112 -6.747608 -0.302564 11 30
4 0.220231 -9.098052 -0.241492 7 29
... ... ... ... ... ...
86646 -2.113191 11.552426 -0.088612 6 2
86647 -2.798015 11.700585 0.378175 3 3
86648 -3.513429 11.829712 1.842977 1 17
86649 -1.930610 9.389456 -0.412726 13 1
86650 -2.121817 11.598898 1.680530 1 15

86651 rows × 5 columns

If you just want the points from a LIDAR scan, we extract them like so:



 read_lidar_points (filename:str)

*Read 3D points in LIDAR scan stored as a binary_little_endian .ply file.

Parameters: filename: of ply file

Returns: A tuple (3,N) numpy array.*

scan = read_lidar_points(filename)
test_eq(scan.shape, (3, 86651))

Visualizing Point Clouds

Based on code by 3630 TA Binit Shah in Spring 2021.



 cloud_layout (show_grid_lines:bool)

*Create layout for showing clouds. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen

Parameters: show_grid_lines (bool): plots gridlines*



 cloud_data (cloud:numpy.ndarray, fraction=None)

*Return dictionary with x, y, z components. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen

Args: cloud (np.ndarray): point cloud, a (3, num_points) numpy array fraction (double): take only a fraction of the points*



 visualize_cloud (cloud:numpy.ndarray, show_grid_lines:bool=False,
                  color:str='#90FF90', marker_size:int=1, fraction=None)

*Visualizes point cloud in 3D scatter plot. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen

Args: cloud (np.ndarray): point cloud, a (3, num_points) numpy array show_grid_lines (bool): plots gridlines color (str): color for markers marker_size (int): size of each marker fraction (double): take only a fraction of the points*

visualize_cloud(scan, color='#F0E68C', fraction=0.2, show_grid_lines=True)
Unable to display output for mime type(s): application/vnd.plotly.v1+json



 visualize_clouds (clouds:list, show_grid_lines:bool=False,
                   cloud_colors=None, marker_size:int=1,

*Visualizes cloud(s) in a iterative 3D plot. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen

Due to browser limitations, rendering above 5 frames requires subsampling of the point clouds, which is done automatically.

Example input of arg: clouds = [clouda, cloudb, cloudc] where each cloud is a numpy array of shape (3, num_points). cloud[0] are the x coordinates, cloud[1] is y, and cloud[2] is z.

Args: clouds (list): ordered series of point clouds show_grid_lines (bool): plots gridlines cloud_colors (list): colors for each cloud in the visualization marker_size (int): size of each marker do_subsampling (bool): whether or not subsampling occurs*

scan2 = np.copy(scan)
scan2[0] += 30
visualize_clouds([scan,scan2], show_grid_lines=True, do_subsampling=True)
Unable to display output for mime type(s): application/vnd.plotly.v1+json



 animation_layout (clouds_labels:list, speed)

Setup layout for animation. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen



 visualize_clouds_animation (clouds_series:list, clouds_labels=None,
                             show_grid_lines:bool=False, speed=100,
                             cloud_colors=None, marker_size:int=1,

*Visualizes a cloud(s) series using a slider & play/pause. Adapted from code by 3630 TAs Binit Shah and Jerred Chen

Due to browser limitations, rendering above 5 frames requires subsampling of the point clouds, which is done automatically.

Example input of arg: clouds_series = [[clouda, cloudb], [clouda, cloudb]] clouds_labels = [“iteration1”, “iteration2”]

Args: clouds_series (list): ordered series of point clouds clouds_labels (list): ordered labels for clouds show_grid_lines (bool): plots gridlines speed (int): speed at which the frames are played through cloud_colors (list): colors for each cloud in the visualization marker_size (int): size of each marker do_subsampling (bool): whether or not subsampling occurs*

visualize_clouds_animation([[scan], [scan2], [scan], [scan2]], show_grid_lines=True)
Unable to display output for mime type(s): application/vnd.plotly.v1+json

A very nonlinear planar SLAM example

Mostly for the GTSAM Examples book, although might also make it in driving chapter.



 planar_example ()

Create a small but quite nonlinear planar SLAM example

graph, truth, keys = planar_example()
show(graph, truth, binary_edges=True)



 marginals_figure (truth:gtsam.gtsam.Values,
                   marginals:gtsam.gtsam.Marginals, keys:list)

Create a figure with the marginals for the planar example.

marginals = gtsam.Marginals(graph, truth)
# This does not seem to work with all versions of matplotlib
# marginals_figure(truth, marginals, keys)